Virtual Reading Room

CIA. Freedom of Information Act release to the National Security Archive
DOD. Freedom of Information Act release to the National Security Archive
George Bush Presidential Library
Freedom of Information Act Request
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Fond 10063
State Archive of the Russian Federation, Fond 10063
George H.W. Bush Library, obtained through FOIA 2000-1202-F/2 by the National Security Archive. Original in NSC Burns, R. Nicholas Files and Hewett, Ed, Files, USSR Chron file: September 1991.
George H.W. Bush Library, obtained through FOIA 2000-1202-F/2 by the National Security Archive. Original in NSC Burns, R. Nicholas Files and Hewett, Ed, Files, USSR Chron file: September 1991.
[The Gorbachev Foundation Archive, Fond 1, Opis 1]
DOD Freedom of Information Act release to the National Security Archive
CIA/NIC "Impact of Republic Sovereignty on Soviet Strategic Forces," September 1991, SECRET/WNINTEL, declassified 2016