Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Records of the Counselor, 1955-1977, box 3, HS-Official Oct.-Dec. 1975, also available on Digital National Security Archive
Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, Kissinger-Scowcroft West Wing Office File, box 31, USSR “D” File [Dobrynin], Items # 147- #151
RG 59, Nodis Telegrams, box 6
State Department MDR release from P-reels
RG 59, Nodis Telegrams, box 6
RG 59, Nodis Telegrams, box 6
A: Sneider records, box 1, box 2, Amb. Sneider Telegrams-August-December 1975
State Department MDR release from P-reels
RG 59, Access to Archival Databases (AAD), MDR release by NARA
Digital National Security Archive [DNSA]
Digital National Security Archive [DNSA]
State Department MDR release from P-reels
RG 59, Nodis Telegrams, box 6
Gerald R. Ford Library, Kissinger-Scowcroft Temporary Parallel File, Box A3, Country File, Far East-Indonesia, State Department Telegrams 4/1/75-9/22/76