Virtual Reading Room

Digital National Security Archive by ProQuest.
DNSA; from RG 59, Subject-Numeric 1970-73, Top Secret Files. Box 25. DEF 1 U.K.-U.S.
RG 59, Record Group 59. Department of State Records. Executive Secretariat. National Security Council Under Secretaries Committee Study Memorandums,1969-1976, Box 2, NSC-U/SSM-55 United States Policy and Program for Antarctica (misfiled)
Archive of Terror, Asuncion, Paraguay
National Security Archive Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR)
RG 59, Record Group 59. Department of State Records. Executive Secretariat. National Security Council Under Secretaries Committee Study Memorandums, 1969-1976, Box 2, NSC-U/SSM-55 United States Policy and Program for Antarctica (misfiled)
DNSA; Nixon Presidential Library, National Security Council Files, box 808, Brooke, Edward W.
DNSA; Nixon Presidential Library, National Security Council Files, box 808, Brooke, Edward W.
DNSA; from The National Archives (United Kingdom), PREM 15/1362
Defense Department MDR release, under appeal
Nixon Presidential Library [NPL], NSC Files, Henry Kissinger Office Files, Box 63, Exchange with the UK-SLBMs
MDR to Defense Department; released in full (2017) through appeal to Interagency Security Classification Panel
Defense Department MDR release, under appeal
FOIA lawsuit, National Security Archive v. Department of State (17-cv-0770)
National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, SCI 41-3 UN. Confidential.
Digital National Security Archive
Digital National Security Archive [DNSA]; from U.S. National Archives, Department of State Records, Record Group 59 [RG 59], Subject-Numeric Files, 1970-1973, Top Secret Files, box 25, POL 7 US