Virtual Reading Room

Declassification release by Defense Department; Digital National Security Archive.
Digital National Security Archive by ProQuest.
Drosnin FOIA, DoD Reading Room
U.S. Navy History and Archives Division, Seventh Fleet Records, box 117, Misc. May 1969
Drosnin FOIA, DoD Reading Room
Elliot Richardson Papers, LIbrary of Congress.
National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials Project, National Security Council Files (hereinafter Nixon NSF), box 840, Sentinel ABM System Vol. II, 4/1/69; also published in DNSA, U.S. Nuclear History II, 1969-1976.
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1967-1969, DEF 18-6
Annex 120 in History of the Office of Special Activities from Inception to 1969
Annex 43 in History of the Office of Special Activities from Inception to 1969
National Archives, Record Group 128, Joint Congressional Committees (RG 128), Records of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subject Files, Box 69, Nth Country Experiments, 1967-1969
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Morton A. Halperin Papers, box 10, Vietnam
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, Morton A. Halperin Papers, box 10, Vietnam