Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1964-1966, DEF 18-6
Records of the Department of State. Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs. Office of the Country Director for Turkey, Records Relating to Turkey, 1964-1966. Box 12. Science and Technology-Atomic Energy
Defense Technical Information Center
FOIA request, on DNSA
RG 383, Director's Office NPT Files, box 8, Non-Proliferation, William C. Foster
RG 59, Records of Policy Planning Council Country and Subject Files 1965-1969, box 313, Europe 1966
Department of Defense MDR release
Cold War International History Project: A. Ross Johnson Donation
RG 59, UD-UP 131, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 2, IN-500-579
RG 84, Entry P 339, Jakarta Embassy Files, Box 27, Folder 14 Pol 23-9 rebellions and coups 1966
RG 59, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 5, Chron/July 1966 Research Memos
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, National Security Files, Intelligence Files, Box 2, Folder, “CIA Budgets and 303 Committee.”
National Archives, RG 373, Entry UD-05D 60, Box 3