Virtual Reading Room

Dutch National Archives. Records of the Dutch Air Force, File 2.13.185
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, National Security Files, box 226, NATO Weapons- Cables Turkey (copy courtesy of Philip Nash)
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files 1963, box 3751, DEF 12 US/NATO
National Archives, Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Records of the Multilateral Force Negotiating Team, 1961-1965, box 1, Briefing Book - Dictabelts from Ambassador Gerard Smith, Feb. 62-March 63
RG 59, 1963 Subject-Numeric Files, AE 11-2 ISR
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
RG 59, Records Relating to Steering Group on Implementing the Nassau Decisions, box 2, Nassau Agreement J-5, Jupiter
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library
RG 84, Foreign Service Posts, Rome Embassy Classified General Records 1946-1964, box 125, 430.1 Italy and IRBM and NATO 1962 1963 1964
RG 218, Maxwell Taylor Files, box 36, Nassau/Jupiter/Skybolt/MLF (Folder # 1)
RG 59, Subject Numeric Files 1963, box 3751, DEF 12 US/NATO
RG 84, Foreign Service Posts, Rome Embassy Classified General Records 1946-1964, box 125, 430.1 Italy and IRBM and NATO 1962 1963 1964
LBJL, National Security File, Komer File, box 30, Israel Dimona # 1
RG 84, Foreign Service Posts, Rome Embassy Classified General Records 1946-1964, box 125, 430.1 Italy and IRBM and NATO 1962 1963 1964