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CHF, 21 (A) SS/ASW Contacts (Closed)-1
CHF, 21 (A) SS/ASW Contacts (Closed)-1
CHF, 21 (A) SS/ASW Contacts (Closed)-1
CHF, 21 (A) SS/ASW Contacts (Closed)-1
CHF, 21 (A) SS/ASW Contacts (Closed)-1
Strategicheskaia Operatsiia Anadyr: Kak eto bylo [Strategic Operation Anadyr: How It Was], (Moscow: MOOVIK-Poligrafresursy, 2000), ed. by V.I. Yesin. Translated by Anna Melyakova and Svetlana Savranskaya for the National Security Archive. [Excerpt, pp. 1-13]
Mary McAuliffe, ed., CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, (CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, October 1992), pp. 149-151.
Russian Foreign Ministry archives, published in The Cold War International History Project Bulletin Issue 5, Spring 1995 by James G. Hershberg, pp. 79-80
JFKL: JFKP: National Security File, Meetings and Memoranda, Box 319, Folder, “Special Group (Augmented) 10/62-12/62.”
Library of Congress, Papers of Curtis M. LeMay, box 153, 19-3 White House 1962 (also available on DNSA, U.S. Nuclear History I, 1955-68.
Washington Navy Yard, Naval Historical Center, Operational Archives, Flag Plot Cuba Missile Crisis 31-2, file: Misc. Information