Virtual Reading Room

National Security Archive Cuban Missile Crisis Collection
National Security Archive Cuban Missile Crisis Collection
Mandatory Declassification Review release from U.S. Navy “Blue Flag Messages,” U.S. Navy Heritage and History Command Archives
Cold War International History Project
The National Archives (United Kingdom), Prime Minister’s Records, PREM 11/3689 (copy courtesy of Len Scott, Aberystwyth University)
National Archives, Record Group 330, Records of the Department of Defense, "Sensitive Records on Cuba, The Cuban Missile Crisis", box 1, B. Gilpatric hand-written notes: folder "RLG Notes on Cuba pre-10-21-62"
Cecil Stoughton and Robert Knudsen. White House Photographs. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston.
National Security Archive Cuban Missile Crisis collections
National Security Archive Cuban Missile Crisis Collection
National Security Archive Cuban Missile Crisis collections
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Document No. 157-10004-10154.
Mary McAuliffe, ed., CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, (CIA Center for the Study of Intelligence, October 1992), pp. 139-144. [pages 141 to 146 of the PDF]
Dino Brugioni Collection at the National Security Archive and JFK Library, White House Photographs, Robert Knudsen for the last photo.
RG 218, Chairman Maxwell Taylor Papers, box 2, 031.1. Meetings with the President October 1962
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Document No. 178-10002-10473.
Freedom of Information Act release to William Burr, original in National Archives, Record Group 330, Records of the Department of Defense, “Sensitive Records on Cuba, The Cuban Missile Crisis,” Box 1, Folder “RLG Notes on Cuba pre-10-21-62”