Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/10-1161
John F. Kennedy Library, National Security Files, box 317, Meetings with the President, 9/61-1/62
CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room
National Security Archive, Released at the Bay of Pigs 40th Anniversary Conference, Havana, Cuba, March 2001.
Department of Energy FOIA release (under appeal)
DIA Freedom of Information Act Release.
RG 59, CDF, 611.657/9-2761
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 303/9-2561
FOIA release [Also available on Digital National Security Archive, U.S. Nuclear History, 1955-1968]
JFKL, President’s Office Files, Defense 1961, September-December
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 303/9-1361
John F. Kennedy Library, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, Box 27, Folder," "British Guiana: Background Cheddi Jagan."
JFKL, John F. Kennedy Personal Papers (hereafter JFKP), National Security File, Country File, Box 35, Folder, “Cuba: General, 6/61 – 12/61.”
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 303/8-2461