Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Bureau of European Affairs, Office of European Regional Affairs. Records of the NATO Adviser, 1957-1961, box 1, 19a. MRBM Force and Expanded Stockpile Proposals, Vol. II
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library.
RG 59, CDF 1960-1963, 884a.1901/1-561
Declassified Documents Reference Service, original at Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
RG 59, Decimal Files 1960-1963, 397.5611-GE/12-2960
Navy Archives, Flag Officers "Dope," CNO Personal Newsletter and Memorandum 23 December 1960
Record Group 84. Records of Foreign Service Posts. U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency. Classified Files, 1957-1963, box 18, Safeguards Oct 1-Dec 31, 1960
National Archives, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 600.0012/12-1460
National Archives, Record Group 326, Records of Atomic Energy Commission, Records of John McCone, Box 90, Israel
National Archives, Record Group 326, Records of Atomic Energy Commission, John McCone Records, box 90, Israel
RG 128, Records of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, Subject Files, Box 16, Foreign Activities- Israel 1957-1976
National Archives, RG 263, Entry A1 19, Box 12
National Archives, Record Group 59, Department of State Records [hereinafter RG 59, Bureau of European Affairs, Office of Soviet Union Affairs Subject Files, 1957-1963, box 2, 1.3.4 Communist China
National Archives, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 600.0012/11-1660
Mikoyan Personal Archive; Translation by Sarah Dunn
National Archives, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 600.0012/11-860
National Archives, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 600.0012/11-1660