Virtual Reading Room
RG 59, Central Decimal Files 1955-1959, box 4012, 795B.5/3-2657
CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
RG 59, Central Decimal Files 1955-1959, box 2877, 711.5611/3-3057
National Archives, Record Group 59. Records of the Department of State, Records of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs, Subject Files of Special Assistant for Atomic Energy and Aerospace, 1950-1966, box 6, II.3.B Weapons Effects - 1955-57
Records of the State Department (RG 59), Alpha-Numeric Files of the Swiss-BENELUX Desk, 1951-1963, box 11, N.22. Staf Visits (Defense Minister)
CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
Navy Archives, Flag Officers "Dope," CNO Personal Newsletter # 33-38 Jan-June 1958 One way that CNO Arleigh Burke kept in touch with his admirals was by sending out bulletins expressing his thinking and knowledge—-the inside "dope"—on a range of issues, from budgets to administration, but also strategic assessments. In a set of talking points for use by senior officers when publicly discussing the Polaris system, Burke advised the admirals to avoid "wild claims" because Polaris had yet to be tested as a system. Moreover, admirals should not argue that the Navy wanted to put all the "nation's eggs in one basket for deterrence." Nevertheless, Burke's arguments about Polaris's advantages pointed in that direction by identifying fixed-based systems with provocation, instability, vulnerability, and arms races.
Navy FOIA release; available on Digital National Security Archive
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
RG 59, Central Decimal Files 1955-1959, box 2877, 711.5611/1-1857
RG 59, Central Decimal Files 1955-1959, box 2877, 711.5611/1-1757
The National Security Archive - Soviet Flashpoints - Box 47
Donation by Robert S. Hopkins III