Virtual Reading Room
NSA/CSS Archives
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
NSA/CSS Archives
Annex 10 in History of the Office of Special Activities from Inception to 1969
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA): M1221 Intelligence Reports, 1941-1961- Microfilm 5
Defense Technical Information Center
Freedom of Information Act request
CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
RG 59, Executive Secretariat Conference Files, 1949-1972, box 65, CF 426 NATO Meeting Paris Dec, 1954 Documents & Exchanges
CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
Annex 6 in History of the Office of Special Activities from Inception to 1969
Annex 8 in History of the Office of Special Activities from Inception to 1969
Nazi War Crimes Document Review Board
Digital National Security Archive by ProQuest.
George C. Marshall Research Library, James Srodes Collection, Box 8, Folder: “AWD [Allen Welsh Dulles]: Mind Control 1953-1961”