Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files 1963, AE 6 ISR
JFK Library: John Newman Papers: “Notebook, August 24-31, 1963.”
Thomas L. Hughes Papers, Courtesy of Thomas Hughes.
CIA electronic reading room; declassified July 24, 2015.
JFK Papers: NSF: Country File, b. 198, f.: “Vietnam 8/21-8/30/63.”
Assassination Records Review Board release, document 177-10001-10466.
LBJ Library: Ball Papers, b.7, f.: “Vietnam I (1/15/62-10/4/63.”
RG 59, Executive Secretariat. Presidential and Secretary of State Correspondence with Heads of State, 1961-1971, box 10, Israel 3 of 3
CIA FOIA Electronic Reading Room
JFK Papers: Kennedy Tapes, Tape/Conversation 104/A-40/004
JFK Papers: Kennedy Tapes, Tape/Conversation 104/A-40/004; transcription by Luke Nichter.
RG 59, Subject Numeric Files, 1963, Def 12 ISR
RG 59, Subject Numeric Files, 1963, Def 12 ISR
U.S. State Department FOIA release
John F. Kennedy Library: JFK Papers: National Security File; Country File, b. 198, f.: “Vietnam, 7/21-7/31/63.”
RG 218, Maxwell Taylor Papers, box 35, Memos from President 1963
RG 59, Executive Secretariat Middle East Crisis Files, 1967, box 3, Chron Summary of the Arms Probe with Nasser and Related Events, 1963-1964; excised version published in Foreign Relations of the United States 1961-1963, Volume XVIII, Near East 1962-1963