Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Executive Secretariat. Presidential and Secretary of State Correspondence with Heads of State, 1961-1971, box 10, Israel 3 of 3
RG 218, Maxwell Taylor Papers, box 1, CM 669-63---795-63
JFKL, National Security Study Memoranda, box 391, NSAM 241
John F. Kennedy Library, President's Office Files, box 119, Israel Security, 1961-1963; excised version published in Foreign Relations of the United States 1961-1963, Volume XVIII, Near East 1962-1963
JFKL, Robert F. Kennedy Files: Attorney General’s Confidential File, Box 209, Folder, “CIA, Richard Helms, 3-6.”
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files, 1963, AE 11-2 ISR
RG 59, Executive Secretariat. Presidential and Secretary of State Correspondence with Heads of State, 1961-1971, box 10, Israel 3 of 3; 1965, excised version published in Foreign Relations of the United States 1961-1963, Volume XVIII, Near East 1962-1963
John F. Kennedy Library, National Security File, Carl Kaysen Files, box 276, Nuclear Energy Matters, Nuclear Diffusion Briefing Book, Volume I on US-Soviet Non-Diffusion Agreement 6/1963
RG 59, Subject-Numeric Files 1963, box 4158, AE 11-1
RG 59, Bureau of International Scientific and Technological Affairs. Central Files, 1964-1966, box 4, Israel-Dimona
Russian State Archive of Contemporary History (RGANI), published in A.A. Fursenko, ed. Presidium of TsK KPSS, 1954-1964, Vol 1 (Moscow: Rosspen, 2003) pp. 720-726
RG 59, Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Reports Coordination and Review Staff. Research Memoranda 1961-1963, box 138, REU-43-RM
RG 59, Entry UD-UP 131, INR/DDR, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Research Memoranda 1961-1963, box 138, REU-44-RM
RG 218, Chairman Maxwell Taylor Papers, box 1. CM 1963 619-63 -- 698-63
Record Group 383, Records of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Entry UD WS-1343, box 1, Vol. VIII: Selected Memoranda, Telegrams, and Background Papers