Virtual Reading Room

RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/11-1361
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/11-761
National Archives, Record Group 200, Papers of Robert S. McNamara, box 113, Reading File Nov. 1961 (also available in on DNSA, U.S. Nuclear History I, 1955-68
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Document No. 176-10032-10018.
National Archives, Record Group 84, Records of Foreign Service Posts, U.S. Mission to the United Nations Outgoing Telegrams 1946-1963, box 69, (Master File 10/27-11/8) 1961 Outgoing Telegrams # 1339-1538
National Archives, Record Group 84, Records of Foreign Service Posts, U.S. Mission to the United Nations Incoming Telegrams 1946-1963, box 29, 1961 Inc Tels U.S. Circulars (Oct-)
National Archives, State Department Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 375/10-2561
John F. Kennedy Library, Presidential Papers, National Security Files, box 332: National Security Action Memoranda NSAM 109 U.S. Policy on Military Actions in a Berlin Conflict
National Archives, Record Group 59 (RG 59), Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/10-2160
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/10-1161
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Document No. 104-10227-10145.
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/10-1661
United States Army, Military History Institute, 094.319.1, Counterinsurgency Operations Course & Related Materials, 10.13.61FW 10-6-61.
JFKL: JFKP: National Security File, Meetings and Memoranda, Box 319, Folder, “Special Group (CI) 4/6/62 – 6/7/62.”
RG 59, Department of State Decimal Files, 1960-1963, 700.5611/10-1161
National Archives, JFK Assassination Records, Reference Copy from House Select Committee on Assassinations, RG-233.