Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, Soviet interpreter Viktor Sukhrodev, Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin, and President Lyndon Johnson, during the luncheon at the U.S.-Soviet summit, Glassboro State College, NJ, 25 June 1967. To a bemused Kosygin, McNamara gave a talk on ABMs and the arm race, explaining why missile defenses were destabilizing. (From photo collections,Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library)
“What an Insane Road We are Both Following”: Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, June 1967
A “Condition of Mutual Deterrence”: An “Unpleasant Code by Which to Live, [but] It Has Worked”: Paul Doty, 1967
Neither Superpower Wanted to be in an “Inferior” Position and Both Sought Strategic Advantage