Virtual Reading Room

Record Group 319, Entry NM-3 47-R3, Box #16, NARA
RG 59, Executive Secretariat Conference Files, box 364, CF 2460 Visit of Prime Minister Wilson Dec 7-8, 1964 Admin.& Sub Misc & Memcons; excised version published in Foreign Relations of the United States
RG 59, Entry UD-UP 131, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Reports Coordination and Review Staff, Intelligence Reports, 1961, 1963-67, box 4, Chron - IN's December 1964
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Latin America, Box 55, "British Guiana Vol III [3 of 3]."
Record Group 319, Entry NM-3 47-R3, Box #16, NARA
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Latin America, Box 55, "British Guiana Vol III [3 of 3]."
Record Group 59, Department of State Records, National Archives (RG 59), Presidential Memoranda of Conversations, 1958-1964, box 3, Pres M of C Nov.-Dec. 1964.
RG 59, Executive Secretariat Conference Files, box 364, CF 2460 Visit of Prime Minister Wilson Dec 7-8, 1964 Admin.& Sub Misc & Memcons
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, National Security File, Country File, Latin America, Box 55, "British Guiana Vol III [3 of 3]."
National Archives, Record Group128, Records of Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, General Subject Files, box 15, Foreign Activities (China) Weapons Tests
RG 59, SN 64-66, AE 11-2 ISR
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, National Security Files, Committee Files, Records of the Gilpatric Committee, box 5, China
RG 59, Executive Secretariat. Presidential and Secretary of State
RG 59, Executive Secretariat, Agenda for the Secretary's Luncheon Meetings with the President, 1964-1968, box 1, President's Luncheon Memoranda 1964-1968
Lyndon B. Johnson Library, National Security File, Intelligence Files, Box 5, Folder, "British Guiana Special File."